Looking back, moving forward
Trusting yourself
Feeling comfortable in your skin
Finding comfort in discomfort
Creating space inside this moment
Slowing it down can be very energizing
Trauma's limitations
Reflecting on Projections
Dealing with Change, by Isa Soler: Recently published article in InterNations Magazine.
Expats and Mental Health
Expats and Mental Health. A presentation by Isa Soler of ExpatTherapyBarcelona
The movement in perspective
Expat study: A look into the processes and experiences of Expat Therapists and Expat Clients.
El Periodico, Carme Escales talks to Isa Soler about her body/mind approach to therapy.
Listening to our body's wisdom
Releasing and integrating with EMDR: Carme Escales, El Periodico de Catalunya, speaks to Isa Soler
Keeping afloat and enjoying the ride
Negative to Positive
In and Out
Finding Gratitude